
Venice has 'captured' the heart, mind and imagination of so many writers, poets, artists and historians. Venice is one of my favourite subjects in art, literature and history, and I am always eager to learn more and look more at this unique and special place. This Venice blog is my way of collecting the wealth of images, poems, prose and impressions of Venice.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Still standing on the Ponte dei Conzafelzi

As I stood on the Ponte dei Conzafelzi (see my previous post here), I remembered reading Paolo Barbaro's advice about seeing Venice in Venice Revealed:

"...the most important skill of all is that of standing still.  You have to be still in order to see - to be able to see and thus to participate, understand, absorb and retell the city's tales".

And so I did.  

I enjoyed the site of Palazzo Tetta, which stands at the junction of Rio di San Giovanni Laterano and Rio de la Tetta.  

Ponte dei Conzafelzi, Castello Venice capturingvenice.blogspot.com
Standing on Ponte dei Conzafelzi looking at Palazzo Tetta
I looked down at the railing of the iron bridge, noticing the foundry's name stamped in bold letters:

Ponte dei Conzafelzi, Venice capturingvenice.blogspot.com
The Ponte Conzfelzi was cast by Fonderia Collalto in the late 19th century
I looked up to take in the name of the bridge and the nearby fondamenta, labelled on Venice's characteristic nizioletti:

Ponte dei Conzafelzi, Venice capturingvenice.blogspot.com

I looked the detail of the iron bridge, including this handsome lion head:

Ponte dei Conzafelzi, Castello Venice capturingvenice.blogspot.com

And I simply enjoyed the sheer crazy, wonderful pleasure of actually being back in Venice again and enjoying the sunny morning.  

Looking at these photos today brings back that sense of pleasure and love I feel for Venice.  

Buon weekend!


  1. I will be back in Venezia again this September (my 12th time) and I've been thinking a LOT about taking more time to savor my walks and wanderings.....the going slow and looking more closely (and getting up earlier to do so "senza gente"!!) Thanks for this reminder......

    1. Mamavenezia: thanks for stopping by and I wish you a wonderful trip to Venice! Best, Karen

  2. The Ponte Conzfelzi was cast by Fonderia Collatto -- typo -- it's Collalto. Please delete this when you've corrected it, as it will make no sense then.

    1. Bert, you have sharp eyes. Thanks for your attention to detail - I've updated the caption :) Will leave this for a little while for you to see and then delete as per your request. Thanks again! Karen
